YCSA in 2017

In 2017, a groundbreaking partnership between the Biennial of the Americas and The Nature Conservancy led to the creation of the Youth Congress for Sustainable Americas (YCSA), a visionary platform dedicated to empowering young leaders committed to sustainable development across the Americas. Born out of a collective recognition of the urgent need to address climate change, the YCSA emerged as a catalyst for Climate Action Initiatives. Our mission is to unite young leaders from every corner of the Americas, fostering collaboration and solidarity in our shared endeavor towards sustainability. Embracing diversity as our strength, we strive to create an inclusive community that transcends borders, bringing together voices from diverse backgrounds and perspectives to tackle the climate crisis head-on. Our vision is rooted in collaboration, innovation, and reverence for indigenous wisdom, as we endeavor to inspire a paradigm shift towards sustainability within the next decade. In 2019, the inaugural gathering of the YCSA in Denver, CO, brought together 19 delegates representing six countries, marking the beginning of our journey towards a brighter, more sustainable future for the Americas.