Tomás Vodanovic
Mayor - Maipu, Chile
Tomás Vodanovic, 32 years old, is a sociologist who graduated from the Catholic University and specialized in Public Policy at Georgetown University. He has always worked to improve the quality of life from the grassroots level.
For over 8 years, he led "Formando Chile," an organization that promotes social change in communities through free education. He worked as a History, Geography, and Civic Education teacher at the Carlos Prats School in Huechuraba, learning that dedicated and well-done work can change lives. This strengthened his belief that it is possible to build a new, dignified, and democratic Chile if we work together and take responsibility.
For the past five years, he has been working daily for Maipú, first as the territorial chief for Deputy Vidal, then as a candidate for the Frente Amplio, and since 2021, as the mayor of Maipú, having been elected with 90,284 votes. He officially took office on June 28, 2021, declaring himself at the service of the residents and emphasizing the crucial role of the community and social organization as the foundation for the transformation he envisions in the coming years of his municipal management.