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Clínica #9:  Employing Empathy: Cultivating a More Inclusive and Diverse Workplace

9:00 - 11:00 AM | McNichols Building
Doors open at 9:00; Presentation at 9:30
FREE (register below)

Can employing empathy help bridge the gap to making workplaces more inclusive and diverse? These visionary leaders will discuss how they cultivate workplace diversity and a culture of inclusion. 


Thank you to our local partners and committee members:

Armando Martin, Chrissy Deal, John Ronquillo, Jose Esparza, Josh Gould, Kim McCarty, Damon McLeese, Mo Abdullah, Patty Baca, Scott Wasserman, Tariana Navas Nieves, Tina Walls, and Yolanda Chase.

Applied Empathy workshop with Michael ventura

9:00 - 11:00 AM | McNichols Building
Doors open at 9:00; Presentation at 9:30
Ticket Price: $15 (includes copy of Applied Empathy)

Applied Empathy is a design thinking methodology developed by Michael Ventura, founder and CEO of Sub Rosa; a strategy and design firm based in New York's West Village. Attendees of this session will learn about Michael’s methodology which leverages the true power of empathy as a perspective taking tool, rather than being conflated with simply "being nice." 

During this two hour workshop Michael will dive into the core elements of this methodology and guide participants through several exercises calibrated to provide actionable access points into this systems-thinking framework. Michael’s framework has not only been successful for developing innovative solutions to client challenges, but also to improve intra-team communication and cohesion. 

Participants will receive a signed copy of Business Insider Best Book Applied Empathy. 

"With Applied Empathy, Michael Ventura shows us how to unlock our ability to design solutions, spark innovation, and solve tough challenges with empathy at the center."—Arianna Huffington

Opening remarks from our local partner Dave Momper of Thrival Concepts:


Conversations with Gen Z

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM | McNichols Building
FREE (register below) - includes lunch!

Conversations with Gen Z is a lively intergenerational discussion between high school students and local, national and international leaders on topics that matter most to their generation and the future of our world. Local high school students, led by PlatteForum’s ArtLab high school interns will interview a robust slate of leaders on the provocative topics of empathy, diversity, equity and inclusion. We invite you to join us for a lunchtime conversation that will challenge you to question your assumptions and see the world with a different perspective.

ArtLab is PlatteForum’s innovative year-round, out-of-school program for under-resourced high school youth that integrates the creative process and arts-based learning with academic, personal and professional skills.


Black Americas Project Dinner & Ozomatli Concert 

Dinner 5:30 PM | Concert 7:30 PM
Newman Center for the Performing Arts 

Ticket Price: $85 for dinner + concert package
To purchase concert tickets only click here

Join the Black Americas Project, in partnership with Cleo Parker Robinson Dance, for a pop-up soul food dinner experience hosted by acclaimed food journalist and our resident Soul Food Scholar, Adrian Miller. Learn about the culinary influences and cultural history of the African Diaspora while enjoying the rich flavors and unique combinations of Afro-Colombian cuisine. This buffet meal includes wine, specialty beverages and a curated presentation led by Adrian Miller. 

Immediately following dinner guests will experience the vibrant sounds of Ozomatli, twice-honored with Grammys for Best Latin Rock/Alternative Album. Ozomatli, the six-piece band that mixes Latin, hip hop, and rock music together under the influence of salsa, jazz, funk, reggae, and rap, brings their eclectic music style to the 2019 Biennial of the Americas festival in partnership with Newman Center for the Performing Arts. 

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